Yuichi Sakai

I would like to stay closely with our clients' businesses,
to make proposals for new values through 'chemical management'.

03 Product Safety Assessment Div. Yuichi Sakai Engaged in chemical management support for 23 years

I have been engaged in biodegradation test to respond to Chemical Substances Control Law (responsible for tests) since I joined Mitsubishi Chemical Safety Institute.
After that, I experienced general consultation on application for new chemical substances, preparation of the application documents related to Chemical Substances Control Law / Industrial Safety and Health Law, and responded to the administrative authorities. I am now working for the clients in the wider fields.
General consultation on application for new chemical substances related to Chemical Substances Control Law / Industrial Safety and Health Law; Trainer at the internal and external trainings; Responding to the administrative authorities on the matters regarding Chemical Substances Control Law.

You can see the talks between Sakai and Mino who belong to Product Safety Assessment Div. in the interview. For the articles of Mino, please click here.

Inquiries or questions about 'chemical management'
vary from clients to clients. Please take the first step to consult with us.

Yuichi Sakai
It is natural that nothing is known
at the first stage.
We provide you with necessary support,
including the explanation for the initial part.

(Sakai) What we are asked or inquired is the items about chemical management among product safety assessment, and its range depends on clients in which some may need procedures from SDS preparation to practice of safety test, and others may need proxy application in offshore regions, even if it is mentioned by one word, 'chemical management'. Also, some clients have the in-house experts who well understand the details of safety test, and others have only a few people who handle from the regulation for new chemical substances to products management after the products are sold in the market.

(Mino) Exactly. We provide such clients with consistent support ranging from practice of safety test to application for new chemical substances, and I wonder what kind of backgrounds or needs exist behind it. It will be 50 years since Chemical Substances Control Law was enacted in 1973 in Japan. We have been giving necessary support to respond to the legal regulations since Chemical Substances Control Law was enacted, and we have also handled offshore applications based on the experinece obtained from domestic applications. I feel that this long-term performance and knowledges allow us to be consulted and requested by our clients concerning various matters.

(Sakai) We receive many inquiries caused by clients' situation such that 'We have no idea of what to do as we suddenly need to respond to Chemical Substances Control Law......', 'What do we need to do for the legal regulations so we can enter into the market in the US and China....'. We start with the explanation on what Chemical Substances Control Law is, what the difference from offshroe applications is; and give support including proposals and consultations on safety tests required for applications, depending on the necessity. I guess a shortage of the personnel who can handle such matters is a big issue due to the rising necessity and importance of self-directed assessment, while the knowledges and experinece of chemical management is not handed down.

We are 'Primary Care Doctor for Chemical Management',
and the specialists for chemical management.

Yuichi Sakai
Experience is required for
chemical management.
Consulting with us earlier
becomes a key to lessen your burden.

(Sakai) I guess our clients who are responsible for chemical management have no end to worry because domestic and offshore applications require different legal regulations each other, timing for handling takes gradual steps, actions should be taken at the same time, depending on the case, coordination is needed with their users.....It is important to 'collect and put together the information first, then to scrutinize the necessary actions', and I feel it is hard.

(Mino) It is important to collect the information and understand the details since the laws are revised. There are items I hear from the clients every year or trends they do not easily understand, when I give them a lecture at the seminar. Also, I believe the clients have tough time in the process of understanding and having it be applied for the actual situation of each company, although they can collect the information, because the laws and safety tests have specific wordings and the peculiar ways of implementing procedures.

(Sakai) I agree. Nowadays various information is available on Internet, but at the same time, a question like 'Is this really OK?' is multiplying, and accordingly the oppotunities for consultation have expanded. There are things the clients want to know such as 'How to proceed with tests and applications for commercialization', 'What is needed when tests or applications are completed', 'What should be cared on self-management'. We give the clients what we can do, according to their situations and they ask us in return. It may be a little obscure, yet please do not hesitate to call us if you have somthing to ask on chemical management.
I talked about the story that the range of chemical management varies from clients to clients. I think, based on my past experience, that management cannot be handled by the knowledge of chemical substances only. It requires the knowledge of relevant legal regulations, safety tests, risk assessment, and it may cause a much burden to the clients who have their own regular works. Especially in case that a person who is not specialized in chemical substances such as a person who is responsible for development is engaged in, it will be a key to lessen the burden if consultation is made earlier so that the whole pictures, schedule, cost for the application can be grasped.

Our current strength is that we can use the long-term experience and knowledges to provide the clients with necessary proposals with the formula of 'Test' x 'Application' x 'Risk assessment'.
We are, based on the concept of 'Primary care doctor for chemical management', trying to give support to be of assistance to anyone who needs to easily understand and make determination. Having the test facilities that make it possible to implement in-house test required for application; Determining the necessity of actions for legal regulations and giving support at the time of application and post-application - Both are important in this business field, and in addition to that, appropriate risk assessment of chemical substances is avaiable. We believe all of those elements bring us to the clients' relief and trustworthiness.
We will make efforts to stay closely with our clients and give proposals for new values through 'chemical management' in the future.

Product Safety Assessment Div.
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